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File Assistant 2 8 Bit

  1. File Assistant 2 8 Bit Download
  2. 64 Bit File Manager


8 Bit Adder Description of Parts: A full adder is a combinational circuit that forms the arithmetic sum of three input bits. It has two inputs: X and Y, that represent the two significant bits to be added, and a Z input that is a carry-in from the previous significant position. It has two outputs: S which is the sum of the two input bits which can. One-bit raster datasets have 8-bit pyramid layers when stored in a file system, but in a geodatabase, 1-bit raster datasets can only have 1-bit pyramid layers, which makes the display unpleasant. By converting the data to 8 bit in a geodatabase, the pyramid layers are built as 8 bit instead of 1 bit, resulting in a proper raster dataset in the.

Saves a copy of a raster dataset or converts a mosaic dataset into a single raster dataset. Sc2 terran logo.


  • You can save your output to BIL, BIP, BMP, BSQ, CRF, DAT, Esri Grid, GIF, IMG, JPEG, JPEG 2000, MRF, PNG, TIFF, or any geodatabase raster dataset.

  • When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, no file extension should be added to the name of the raster dataset. When storing the raster dataset in a file format, you need to specify the file extension:

    • .bil for Esri BIL
    • .bip for Esri BIP
    • .bmp for BMP
    • .bsq for Esri BSQ
    • .dat for ENVI DAT
    • .gif for GIF
    • .img for ERDAS IMAGINE
    • .jpg for JPEG
    • .jp2 for JPEG 2000
    • .png for PNG
    • .tif for TIFF
    • .mrf for MRF
    • .crf for CRF
    • No extension for Esri Grid
  • Chaos control 1 6 2. This tool can be used to scale your pixel type from one bit depth to another. When you scale your pixel depth, your raster will display the same, but the values will be scaled to the new bit depth that was specified.

  • The output of this tool is always a raster dataset. Contacts journal crm 2 1 1 0. This tool will accept a mosaic dataset as the input, but the output will still be a raster dataset—the contents of the mosaic dataset will be mosaicked to create a raster dataset.

  • If you checked Use world file to define the coordinates of the raster in Options, a world file will be written out. If a world file already exists, it will be overwritten. There may also be a half-pixel shift in the output spatial reference.

  • For file-based rasters, Ignore Background Value must be set to the same value as NoData for the background value to be ignored. File geodatabase rasters and enterprise geodatabase rasters will work without this extra step.

  • https://herewfiles371.weebly.com/cummins-nta-495-service-manual.html. When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression Type and Compression Quality in the Environments.

  • The GIF format only supports single-band raster datasets.

  • The Pixel Type parameter determines the bit depth of the output raster dataset. Rescaling of the raster values occurs when a different pixel type is chosen. If the pixel type is demoted (lowered), the raster values outside the valid range for that pixel depth will be truncated and lost. To learn about the bit depth capacity for supported export formats, see List of supported sensors.

  • The Build Multidimensional Transpose parameter is for data access optimization. By default, a CRF file stores each multidimensional slice in a separate folder and each slice is chunked into tiles. When you perform a transpose, the data will be chunked along dimensions rather than by slice and tile, making analysis such as temporal profiling faster and easier. Macbook mousepad not clicking.


ParameterExplanationData Type

The raster dataset or mosaic dataset you want to copy.

Raster Dataset; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer; File; Image Service

The name and format for the raster dataset you are creating.

  • .bilEsri BIL
  • .bipEsri BIP
  • .bmp—BMP
  • .bsqEsri BSQ
  • .dat—ENVI DAT
  • .gif—GIF
  • .jpg—JPEG
  • .jp2—JPEG 2000
  • .png—PNG
  • .tif—TIFF
  • .mrf—MRF
  • .crf—CRF
  • No extension for Esri Grid

When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset.

When storing a raster dataset to a JPEG file, JPEG 2000 file, TIFF file, or geodatabase, you can specify a compression type and compression quality.

Raster Dataset

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.


Remove the unwanted values created around the raster data. The value specified will be distinguished from other valuable data in the raster dataset. For example, a value of zero along the raster dataset's borders will be distinguished from zero values within the raster dataset.

The pixel value specified will be set to NoData in the output raster dataset.

For file-based rasters, Ignore Background Value must be set to the same value as NoData for the background value to be ignored. Enterprise and geodatabase rasters will work without this extra step.


All the pixels with the specified value will be set to NoData in the output raster dataset.


Choose whether the input 1-bit raster dataset will be converted to an 8-bit raster dataset. In this conversion, the value 1 in the input raster dataset will be changed to 255 in the output raster dataset. This is useful when importing a 1-bit raster dataset to a geodatabase. One-bit raster datasets have 8-bit pyramid layers when stored in a file system, but in a geodatabase, 1-bit raster datasets can only have 1-bit pyramid layers, which makes the display unpleasant. By converting the data to 8 bit in a geodatabase, the pyramid layers are built as 8 bit instead of 1 bit, resulting in a proper raster dataset in the display.

  • NONENo conversion will be done. This is the default.
  • OneBitTo8BitThe input raster will be converted.

If the input raster dataset has a color map, the output raster dataset can be converted to a three-band output raster dataset. This is useful when mosaicking rasters with different color maps.

  • NONENo conversion will occur. This is the default.
  • ColormapToRGBThe input dataset will be converted.

Set the bit depth, or radiometric resolution, of the raster or mosaic dataset. If not defined, it will be taken from the first raster dataset.

  • 1_BITA 1-bit unsigned integer. The values can be 0 or 1.
  • 2_BITA 2-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 3.
  • 4_BITA 4-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 15.
  • 8_BIT_UNSIGNEDAn unsigned 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from 0 to 255.
  • 8_BIT_SIGNEDA signed 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from -128 to 127.
  • 16_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 16-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 65,535.
  • 16_BIT_SIGNEDA 16-bit signed data type. The values can range from -32,768 to 32,767.
  • 32_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 32-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
  • 32_BIT_SIGNEDA 32-bit signed data type. The values can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • 32_BIT_FLOATA 32-bit data type supporting decimals.
  • 64_BITA 64-bit data type supporting decimals.

When the output is a pixel type other than the input (such as 16 bit to 8 bit), you can choose to have the values scaled to fit into the new range; otherwise, the values that do not fit into the new pixel range will be discarded.

If scaling up, such as 8 bit to 16 bit, the minimum and maximum of the 8-bit values will be scaled to the minimum and maximum in the 16-bit range. If scaling down, such as 16 bit to 8 bit, the minimum and maximum of the 16-bit values will be scaled to the minimum and maximum in the 8-bit range.

  • NONEThe pixel values will remain the same and will not be scaled. Any values that do not fit within the value range will be discarded. This is the default.
  • ScalePixelValueThe pixel values will be scaled to the new pixel type. When you scale your pixel depth, your raster will display the same, but the values will be scaled to the new bit depth that was specified.

Specifies whether an 8-bit, 3-band (RGB) raster dataset will be converted to a single-band raster dataset with a color map. This operation suppresses noise that is often found in scanned images and is ideal for screen captures, scanned maps, or scanned documents. This is not recommended for satellite or aerial imagery or thematic raster data.

  • NONEDo not convert RGB.
  • RGBToColormapConvert to color map.

Specifies the output raster format.

  • TIFFTIFF format
  • COGCloud Optimized GeoTIFF format
  • BMPBMP format
  • GIFGIF format
  • PNGPNG format
  • JPEGJPEG format
  • JP2JPEG 2000 format
  • GRIDEsri Grid format
  • BILEsri BIL format
  • BSQEsri BSQ format
  • BIPEsri BIP format
  • ENVIENVI format
  • CRFCRF format
  • MRFMRF format

Specifies whether a transformation associated with the input raster will be applied to the output. The input raster can have a transformation associated with it that is not saved within the input, such as a world file or a geometric function.

  • NONEDo not apply any associated transformation to the output.
  • TransformApply any associated transformation to the output.

Specifies whether to process the input mosaic dataset as a multidimensional raster dataset.

  • CURRENT_SLICEThe input will not be processed as a multidimensional raster dataset. If the input is multidimensional, only the slice that is currently displayed will be processed. This is the default.
  • ALL_SLICESThe input will be processed as a multidimensional raster dataset and all slices will be processed to produce a new multidimensional raster dataset. Set the format to CRF to use this option.

Specifies whether to build the transpose for the input multidimensional raster dataset, which will chunk the data along each dimension to optimize performance when accessing pixel values across all slices.

  • NO_TRANSPOSENo transpose will be built. This is the default.
  • TRANSPOSEThe input multidimensional raster dataset will be transposed. Set the process_as_multidimensional to ALL_SLICES to use this option.

File Assistant 2 8 Bit Download

Code sample

64 Bit File Manager

CopyRaster example 1 (Python window)
File Assistant 2 8 BitCopyRaster example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a Python script sample for the CopyRaster tool.


Cell Alignment, Cell Size, Compression, Current Workspace, Extent, Geographic Transformations, NoData, Output CONFIG Keyword, Output Coordinate System, Parallel Processing Factor, Pyramid, Raster Statistics, Resampling Method, Scratch Workspace, Snap Raster, Tile Size

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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